Monday, February 15, 2010

favorite scrapbooking supplies...

1. fabric
It's like patterned paper only more fun.

2. sequins (and buttons)
While it does bring back memories of dance recitals of years past and the hideous costumes we wore that were made entirely of polyester and sequins, it is pretty cute on a scrapbook layout!

3. grid paper
See, math is good for something!

4. paper doilies
They're so pretty.

5. ink pads
I ink the edges on almost all of my pages. It gives them a vintage-y feel.

And here's a little recipe book I made, just for fun...

How cute is the whale ribbon? Target, dollar section. See, college kids can shop!



Elaine said...

HEY! that's not a stupid question at all! You actually just copy and paste that code into an HTML gadget in your sidebar and it automatically links it! The picture and the link are connected! You can find the HTML gadget in the customization section of your blogger!

:) Your blog is REALLY cute by the way! I'll have to start being a regular reader! :)

Thanks for adding my button!

Unknown said...

yay, thanks so much!