Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Exams, nasty weather, and God in the midst of it all

"Every good and perfect gift
is from above,
coming down from the Father
of heavenly lights"
James 1:17
(The Message)

I just love this verse. I'm a details person-I love the little things in life, and I think this is where I can always find God. When I'm asking the big questions and am just totally confused by life, God always does something to let me know that He's there, even if it's something as simple as encouragement from a friend or a perfect song coming on the radio with lyrics that really speak to whatever it is I'm going through.
My favorite "little things" lately:

Staying up late into the morning finishing a good book

 I am definitley a morning person and normally turn into a zombie somewhere between ten and eleven PM, but lately I have loved staying up. It's so relaxing, with our little twinkly lights on in the apartment and everyone else asleep. So nice after a long day of classes and homework.

The perfect espresso...

I got this cafe au lait at a little coffeehouse in Chattanooga and it was amazing. A cafe au lait is basically a shot of espresso with a dollop of whipped cream. Definitley makes you feel like a hard core coffee lover! So good.

 These are some old fashioned milkshake makers from the 50's I found at an antique store a while back...they kind of make me want to drop out of school, buy some poodle skirts and open a diner.

Relaxing music

I got this CD at Starbucks a while ago and I love it!! It's all of the old big band and swing, Ella Fitzgerald type of music.

Even though this semester has been crazy with homework and exams, I've had so much fun meeting new people and getting involved on campus. And it's so nice having my sister Christy with me at school. Just the other night she popped into my room at, like, eleven at night and was like, "Hey, wanna go to Wal-Mart?" and it was just what I needed after a hectic day. I love randomness like that. :) People look for God in the big problems and situations, but I love seeing Him in even the smallest areas of my life. Makes me happy.


Mykla said...

Hey doll! Your blog is great! You are a wonderful scrapbooker!

I gave you an award over on my blog!

Unknown said...

aw, thank you so much, that makes my day!!