Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This has been the most amazingly laid-back summer of my life! No job, no summer! (as my sister would say). Just friends to hang out with, books to read, and the boyfriend to have sporradic dance parties with! I do, however, want to feel like I'm being at least *somewhat* productive, so here is a list of goals for this summer...

*plan a day trip to the beach. I mean, I live in North Carolina, there are no excuses!

*watch at least one more movie at the drive-in. Even if the movie sucks, the people-watching is plenty of entertainment in and of itself.

*have a photo shoot on the farm with my sisters

*finish the photo album of my trip to Nicaragua...three summers ago. (slacker).

*spend some alone time at Starbucks. I love staying busy but I so much miss sitting at Starbucks in a little sundress with a good book. Sundresses, in my opinion, are mandatory at coffeehouses.

*pick out my classes for next year considering, you know, that I'll be a senior and if I don't get into the classes I need I won't be able to graduate. Kind of a big deal. (again, slacker).

Hope you guys are all having an awesome summer!

(beach photo from