Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oh weekend, do you really have to go?

Sometimes weekends can be a little boring and I almost get excited for Monday, but this was definitley not one of those weekends; it was so fun, but relaxing at the same time. I had coffee with some great girls, a Panera dinner/study session with friends, and a beautiful snow-covered campus to wake up to. Snow in Tennessee is kind of a big deal, so the whole campus was out playing in it. I went out to join, but when I tried to hop over the chain fence, I totally face-planted in the snow. Yeah, I'm sure it was cute. So anyway, after getting snow down my shirt and all up in my flats I was like, "You know...sweatpants and a mug of coffee sound really good right now..."

Ooh, and I went to goodwill and found these adorable tea cups.

"There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much
diminished by a cup of tea".
-Bernard-Paul Heroux

I kind of *unofficially* collect teacups so I was pretty excited when I found these. There's just something about tea cups...they're so dainty and cute.

I also cooked brunch this morning with one of my best friends/roomies. We made french toast and it was soooo good! I'm always amazed when I cook something and it turns out good. Makes me feel like, hey, maybe I will make it as a grown-up!

I am so not ready for the week to start but I can't exactly complain because my first class isn't until 10. I'm so lazy this semester, but I'm starting to think that laziness is severely underrated!

Have a great, caffeinated Monday!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I'm a total scrapbooking nerd---it's probably my favorite craft. So, I thought I'd share a little bit of the mini album I made last year.

panera has THE best caramel lattes ever!!

my roomie, Kara

me and my sisters :)

have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

a little inspiration

I love this quote. There's just something about watching an Audrey movie that makes me want to put my shoulders back, stand a little straighter, and be a little more elegant. She's so classy; one of my favorites :)

Audrey pic from

My mom knit me this little coffee cozy over Christmas break, isn't it the cutest? I'd like to learn how to knit some day when I don't have a million other things going on.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

an awesome weekend

I hate weird smells. Seriously. They drive me crazy. I'm an asthmatic, which automatically makes me really annoying to be around in smokey areas.

And this weekend was full of weird smells. I went with a group from my school to a homeless ministry in Knoxville, where we spent time cleaning, sorting clothes, and serving meals to the homeless. I have to admit I was a little freaked out at first. Not only did the place smell like a mixture of mold and smoke, it was extremely cluttered and everything seemed encased with dirt. Not unlike my dorm last year.

But once I got working and got to know the people I was working with, it was a blast. We were able to help so many people and I learned so much about what it means to serve others.

The highlight was definitley being able to interact with the homeless people, which was unlike anything I would have imagined. They were! I mean, sure, they were dirty and didn't look like someone you'd want to hang out with for the afternoon, but once I got to know them I realized that they're real people. They're not just bums from the street, they're fathers and sons and wives and friends. They were funny and had a surprisingly upbeat attitude despite their circumstances. I can honeslty say that my views on these people have definitley changed. I hope I can remember all that I learned over the past couple of days and have more compassion for the next guy I see with a backpack and a cardboard sign.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

reason #57 why I can't wait for Spring...

This is the vintage bike my dad bought and fixed up for me last summer. Isn't it adorable?? Winter was fun, you know, until Christmas but now I am sooo ready to bust out the skirts and flip flops.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Random things about me...

1. I am an English Education major, even though I'm not even 100% sure I want to teach. But at my age, is anyone really sure of what they want to do with the rest of their lives?

2. I have been out of the country twice (both times to Central America) and have totally gotten bit by the travel bug. I may even possibly be moving out of the country this year (possibly to South America?).

3. Unfortunatley, I am failing my Spanish class.

4. I'm a bit of a girly-girl(um, it's more like I'm channeling June Cleaver every day of my life). If tulle-lined 50's skirts became fashionable again, my life would be complete.

5. I am completely, irrevocably, happily obsessed with coffee. (Notice I did NOT say addicted because, you know, I could quit if I wanted to...)

6. I am in love with old movies and would gladly watch Jimmy Stewart over Brad Pitt any day.

7. My hair is red. Not orange. Not strawberry blonde. Not even auburn (although this offends me the least). And it is NEVER brown. I'm a little sensitive about my hair.

8. My dream has always been to be a writer, hence the blog. I've been told in my writing classes that my stories always have a sugary, happy ending and would probably only be seen on the Hallmark channel. I have still not figured out how this is a bad thing. (My favorite book is Anne of Green Gables if that explains anything).

9. I'm a very quiet, laid-back person but I come with a few surprises, like the fact that I can ride a unicycle.

10. I'm in love with God and am trying to honestly be more like Him. But I've found that the more honest I am with Him and with myself, the more I realize how far from being like Him I really am.

So, that's just a little about me. Not too exciting but, you know, I've got to kick-start this blogging thing somehow.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Life and...Lemons

You've heard it.

"When life hands you lemons, make lemonade".

Even though this phrase has become terribly cliche, I still love it. The idea of taking whatever life throws at you with courage is a concept I've been pondering. Because honestly, as much as we like to think we have total control of our life plans, we really don't. I entered college with a very detailed plan on how my life would go...I even picked the semester that I would meet my future husband--ha! (That was, what, two semesters ago?).

But now nothing is going as I thought it would, yet somehow that's okay. God, as always, has a much bigger and better plan for me. And while He hasn't yet revealed all that'll take place once I graduate, I know it'll all fall into place at just the right time. So, this is my philosophy as of now. Which is why I named the blog what I did. (Well, that and the fact that I have a strange obsession with lemons). Seriously. In one of my classes I was supposed to make a collage out of magazine clippings that summed me up. My collage was filled with lemons, flowers, vintage-ness, and anything yellow I could find. The only comment my professor made was, "Huh. It's very...citrusy".

So, anyway, more later. As of now I have a paper to write and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to finish.