Friday, April 23, 2010

Week in the far

So, my original plan was to post each day this week about all the notes and photos I've taken for my "Week in the Life" project. But with finals coming up, late night meetings, and everything else going on, ain't gonna happen! But here are a few of my favorite pictures of the ordinariness of my week so far:

Finishing up my 12 page paper...not fun.

Caramel ice cream and Breakfast at Tiffany's...much more fun.

I had to make a second trip to Wal-Mart this week because I forgot to buy honey...the trip was totally worthwhile when I found this Winnie-the-Pooh honey. Made my week!

Our cozy little kitchen

T.P. and air freshener in the glamorous.

...because I'm always this perky in the morning...must have been post-coffee.

Me, Christy, and a couple of our friends went to the park to play :) I forgot how fun swings and monkey bars are.

So, that's been my week so far. Hope this gives you guys some ideas if you're doing your own Week in the Life Project and if not, know a whole lot more about my life than you ever wanted to!


Friday, April 16, 2010

things to be happy about

...or, "What I Did During English Class"

*free Starbucks drinks*walking out of the library with an armful of books*watching two movies in a row*
random chit-chat with strangers*reading Jane Austen in the summertime
*turning on the radio to the exact song you were hoping to hear*surprise visits
*watching a movie you haven't seen since you were a little kid and realizing that you remember a lot more of it than you thought*getting compliments from strangers*skipping class for no other reason that the facts that it's sunny outside*reading your middle school diary*meeting new people and feeling like you've known them for years*trying not to burst out laughing in public when you suddenly remember something hilarious that happened a week ago*looking through old pictures and finding some of when your parents were dating*
when profs push back the due date of an assignment*inside jokes

what are some of your favorite things?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"A Week in the Life..."

Next week I will be participating in the "A Week in the Life" project, created by talented scrapbooker Ali Edwards. The project basically consists of recording a typical week in your life, focusing on even the most random details, like what you wore, what you ate, where you went, what kind of music you listened to, etc. It's a way of recording the small things that you may not remember five years down the road.

I know a lot of you have expressed interest in scrapbooking, and if you want to learn how but aren't sure where to start, this is a great project to get you going!

Here's what you do: Take as many pictures as possible each day (I'm starting on Monday, just because that always feels more like the beginning of the week than Sunday). Throughout the day, or at night, jot down all the details of the day. Did you overhear an interesting conversation, did the cute Starbucks barista ask for you phone number (ha-I wish!), did you try a new recipe, etc.

Then, after the week's over, you can compile all your photos and notes into a cute scrapbook categorized by each day. Easy, right?

For more information and ideas, check out Ali Edwards' blog.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

favorite things

my favorites lately...


All things white. Yay for white cardigans and shoes after Easter!

Fifties dresses. *drool*

Funky nail polish slightly reminiscent of what I would have worn in sixth grade.

How To Train Your Dragon
Without a doubt, one of my favorite movies this year!

So, we had to release our little duck friends into the wild (well, the park on campus). Last we saw of them, they were swimming happily in the little creek. We really wanted to take them home for Easter Break, but, well...they stunk. Real bad. So, hopefully they're still frolicking around in the park.

Easter break was soooo fun! We had a bunch of family come down and hang out on our farm; we went flying and swimming and kayaking annnd...we even got bored one day and tied an air mattress to the back of our four wheeler. Definitley something only us country folk would come up with!
Hope you all have a fantastic week and enjoy the sunshine!
