Friday, April 16, 2010

things to be happy about

...or, "What I Did During English Class"

*free Starbucks drinks*walking out of the library with an armful of books*watching two movies in a row*
random chit-chat with strangers*reading Jane Austen in the summertime
*turning on the radio to the exact song you were hoping to hear*surprise visits
*watching a movie you haven't seen since you were a little kid and realizing that you remember a lot more of it than you thought*getting compliments from strangers*skipping class for no other reason that the facts that it's sunny outside*reading your middle school diary*meeting new people and feeling like you've known them for years*trying not to burst out laughing in public when you suddenly remember something hilarious that happened a week ago*looking through old pictures and finding some of when your parents were dating*
when profs push back the due date of an assignment*inside jokes

what are some of your favorite things?

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