Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Life and...Lemons

You've heard it.

"When life hands you lemons, make lemonade".

Even though this phrase has become terribly cliche, I still love it. The idea of taking whatever life throws at you with courage is a concept I've been pondering. Because honestly, as much as we like to think we have total control of our life plans, we really don't. I entered college with a very detailed plan on how my life would go...I even picked the semester that I would meet my future husband--ha! (That was, what, two semesters ago?).

But now nothing is going as I thought it would, yet somehow that's okay. God, as always, has a much bigger and better plan for me. And while He hasn't yet revealed all that'll take place once I graduate, I know it'll all fall into place at just the right time. So, this is my philosophy as of now. Which is why I named the blog what I did. (Well, that and the fact that I have a strange obsession with lemons). Seriously. In one of my classes I was supposed to make a collage out of magazine clippings that summed me up. My collage was filled with lemons, flowers, vintage-ness, and anything yellow I could find. The only comment my professor made was, "Huh. It's very...citrusy".

So, anyway, more later. As of now I have a paper to write and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to finish.

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